Sabtu, 16 Juni 2012

- Pernah Justin ngasih no.  Hpnya ke fansnya, tp malah disebarin ke twitter jadi Justin kapok !
- Justin has 2 iPads, 1 iPhone, 3 blackberry's
- On January 30th 2010, Justin hit 1,000,000 Twitter followers
- Justin berharap di twitter ada tombol  'Follow All' supaya dia bisa follow semua fansnya
- Justin called his laptop welma and his car Lisa. (kalau Justin panggil aku baby #plakk
- After Katy Perry kissed Justin, Justin said "Oh My Gosh! My dream come true" lol
- Waktu konser, Justin sampai ngulang nyanyi lagu 'Baby' 3 kali, soalnya di gak bisa nahan ketawa pas liat cewek-cewek berantem berebut handuknya
- Selena called Justin as her "baby boo"
- Mom Pattie ngelarang Justin nanyi di bawah shower, soalnya Justin suka sambil joget-joget dan mom Pattie takut Justin kepeleset
- Once jazzy asked Justin " Why do people with cameras follow you?" and he replied "Because they love you"
- "I never watched Barney. It freaked me out and gave me nightmares. BUT, barney is the reason why I always wear purple" -Justin Bieber

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